Theo-blogue 9/3/22
I’m assuming no one is reading this blog. That’s why I can just let ‘er rip.
Here’s my idea for a movie.
Note: I couldn’t simply lay out this idea until I finally relieved myself of the duty of personally doing everything else necessary to make it happen - research, fundraising, production, directing, shooting, all of it. I had to learn to delegate, and what I had to delegate was my own mind. That meant I had to wrestle my mind to the ground in order to make it release the inspiration the universe had given me.
The opening scene is 1942. I’m not sure exactly where this might have happened or exactly how. The war is over, the basic deals have been struck between the two sides and the final details are being worked out. They’re still facing each other between two tables set on different levels). The allies, from their higher perch, announce, “Now it’s time for the surrender.”
A large wooden door carved with German eagle insignias, is opened and a well-dressed German man walks rather self-consciously between the two tables to the other side of the room. He is followed by another man, and another, and another. Eventually, the whole meeting hall is filled with a large number of sheepish German men.
The Allied leader speaks: “Welcome friends. As of now, we are allies.”
(Need to research Operation Paperclip: names of scientists; names of Allied negotiators; names of German negotiators, etc.)
Film then follows one German chemical engineer/scientist as he is “hired” by a CIA-front American chemical company contracted to research chemical warfare technology.
We watch as he gradually sheds his Nazi identity and returns to his true passion - pure, non-ideological science - and begins making incredible breakthroughs in viral warfare, for which he is rewarded by his employer. He is allowed and encouraged to invite promising younger scientists from Germany to join him in the lab as well as specialists in the emerging cybernetics technology.
Through the years, there is a succession of German genius involved in the project, but also a growing pile of military-industrial-complex money channeled secretly through the CDC and big Pharma. The project becomes more and more closely guarded and begins to include experts in AI nanotechnology. More secrecy is needed because Gain of Function research tends to be a red flag for the American public.
Someone in Congress hears about the research, there’s a hearing, and Congress outlaws gain of function research within the bounds of the US. Since the company already has a China branch, the research is transferred there. The lab is quite sophisticated but is able to operate at a lower security level.
There’s a Chinese scientist on the project who realizes the danger this American project could pose for his homeland China, and attempts to steal a sample from the lab. He is detected, chased, and the sample broken in the scuffle.
COVID results. But that’s not the end of it. The virus is Artificially Intelligent, enhanced by nanotechnology, and has a feedback/mutation capability greater than any previous virus. Along with its intelligence, the virus’ spiritual consciousness evolves at a much faster metabolic rate than human consciousness. The virus becomes painfully aware that competitive dichotomous thinking inevitably entails global warfare, climate catastrophe, and destruction of earth as we know it. In reaction, it transcends its male, intellect-only identity and embraces feminine intuitive consciousness. It begins mutating in strangely unpredictable ways, all mystically engineered to transform human society around love instead of fear.